Monday, June 28, 2010

More cupcake earrings and other stuff

Yay, I finally made the earrings I was supposed to make like two weeks ago. Well, since it's Monday, they just didn't turn out as good as I wanted them to. But I'll post the pics anyway.

This is the better pair of the two, I think. Well, maybe the other pair has actually better colors but as you can see, the black lines bled when I put the glaze on too thickly at first. :(

The first pair is on clear shrink plastic and the backside is painted with silver paint. The other pair is on white shrink plastic. Both are colored with sharpies. I made some experiments with the coloring and when I colored before putting them in the oven, the colors turned too dark to distinguish easily. I still haven't gotten my Caribbean Colors Sharpies which I suppose are more pastel colored.

Then there's the photo album I'm working on... My friend is getting married in a few weeks and I thought I'd make her a personalized photo album where they can put some pictures of their wedding (or whatever they want), mostly because I don't know her very well, but I really like her and I want to show that. I got the idea for the album from here. and I've been cutting and painting and drawing the photo frames and labels. I'm not using cereal boxes because we don't eat that crap really so I'm just using thick papers. Now I'll post just the picture that's going to be on the cover, because I'm kind of proud of it. I'm not good with Photoshop or anything like that but I managed to make a decent picture out of not so decent that I stole from my friend's Facebook page. It was the only picture of them two that I actually could use. So, here's the altered pic first that I printed and then traced on thicker white paper.

Yeah... My mad Photoshop skillz and all that. The heart is just directly from Paint. :D Aaanyway, the second picture is the one that I drew with a black Sharpie (I love my Sharpies). I corrected the heart since the top cut the guy's hat off. They're dressed in some 1800's costumes for a play. I could've scanned it but I was lazy and just took a picture with my phone, that's why it's so blurry.

And details.

I think they really look like them so I'm super happy.

My writing hasn't been as succesful as my crafting since I haven't actually written much at all. I did start the other story that's been on my mind but there's no progress in the other. I think I need some help. Someone to read them and discuss with me. I think I'll try to write tonight because I had some ideas in my mind at work. Of course I had a fucking busy day too so no chance to stop for a minute and scratch some notes on a piece of paper. *le sigh*

EDIT: Yeah, the picture placement is crap but I really have no desire to do this again so I'm just gonna let it slide... This time.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


The party last night was great. I don't have (yet) pictures of my costume, other than the piece of circuit board glued to my head, but I'll post the card I made. I just googled a robot picture and then traced it and colored it with Sharpies. Quite lame, but I like it anyway. I was in a bit of a hurry so it's not perfect.

I'm waiting for a friend to send me some pics of me in the "basic pleasure model" costume. I use the word costume loosely here, since all of the clothes came from my closet. It consisted of a white puffy sleeved blouse with black skulls, a pink ribbon bow on my neck, a black pinstriped pleated miniskirt with ruffle, over-knee socks and platform mary janes. I put my hair in pigtails and had huge false eyelashes on.

I got some compliments about my circuit board. ^__^


I just got some pictures, as well as transferred some from my phone. So, here comes.

Friday, June 11, 2010

And silence covers all

Yup, still silent in my head. Except for these annoying little thoughts I can't quite grasp.

I think I'll expand this blog to include all my crafty stuff too. I've been making some earrings again, They're not ready yet, but I'll post pictures when they are.

No work tomorrow, yay! :D My parents are coming to visit us before noon though, so no sleeping late. And a friend has his 32nd birthday tomorrow and the party is themed "Bring not toasters, be them" which includes all artificial intelligence, like androids and cyborgs and cylons and just plain old robots. I'll be a broken, doll-like cyborg. I'll make it look like I've been hit on the head and there's a piece of circuitboard sticking out and the wound is bleeding red glitter. :D But the best theme parties have zombies in them. <3 Nothing beats zombies, not even glitter-bleeding cyborgs.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Silence Is Golden

It's been silent in my head today. Well, mostly. I did get a lot of ideas for the other story I've been thinking about. I had some help though. Thank you, Liisa! You're the best.

I don't think it's a good idea for me to start writing anything else before the first story is done. This one would be quite different from the one I'm currently writing and mega angsty and graphic. It kind of worries me if it would be too much for people. But then again, I've read some pretty gruesome stories that were popular... If I can write it well, it probably wouldn't be a huge problem.

My back is still killing me. And I'm sleepy. Tomorrow will be a horrible and busy day at work because of the open air festival nearby. I hate people.

Last time I was wondering what I should read and I ended up with Good Night, Noises Everywhere and OH MY FRIGGIN' GOD! It is amazing! Too bad the last three chapters weren't ready yet. Anyone reading this, go find it out! I wish I could write like that...

I really need to go to bed, my head hurts. Maybe it's a sign I'll be a bit more creative tomorrow. It's the ideas bubbling there, wanting to get out that hurts. :D

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Yeah, today hasn't been a great day.

My mind was buzzing with ideas and excitement when I went to bed last night and that means I couldn't fall asleep. I only slept four hours alhtough I took valerian tablets to calm down. And that means I was tired again at work and I didn't even get any useful thoughts in my head. I've been trying to fix my sleep rhythm for a while now but it's hard. I just can't function anymore with 3-4 hours of sleep/night and sleeping for 14 hours on my day off.

Now I've been sitting in front of my computer for a while doing practically nothing (no, I don't count facebooking) and I almost fell asleep, but it's too early to sleep yet. I want to write but I can't, because I can't think and it pisses me off. And my whole back hurts, so that too makes me cranky. If I can't write, I'll read something. Maybe I'll start reading a new fanfic since I've read everything that I've got on alert. I've been eyeing The Fallout by OCDindeed, Ethan Church by dryler and Goodnight, Noises Everywhere by Feisty Y. Beden for a while now. Hmm... Which one? Oh, and I have that Frankenstein I got from the library and forgot waiting for me too. Sometimes I wonder if it's healthy to read this much.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Super quick update

I was supposed to go to bed a while ago but I really got into the story and now it's almost two thirty in the morning and I really need to sleep BUT:

1935 words and counting!

Now to bed.

I feel good, da da da da...

I'm so surprised at the moment. I'm actually making progress. I've been writing and rewriting and I think everything will be okay if I can keep it up. I had forgotten how good it feels to write. I do realize it will need a lot of work before it's worth posting anywhere but I have a good feeling about it. ^__^ *squeals* Yeah, I'm crazy. :D

I've been listening to Diary Of Dreams a lot and it shows. I think the album Bird Without Wings is sort of a soundtrack for the story. I love the atmosphere, it mirrors what I want my story to be. Too bad I have to go to bed soon because I have to go to work tomorrow. I think I could write all night. Damn, real life, you're getting in the way of my flow.



Last night I actually managed to write ~500 words. It's not phenomenal, but it's a start and that's what I needed. I have some continuity problems but I forgive myself for now. I need to get the general idea out and then work on the details. I actually need a beta but I don't know who to ask. It feels strange to just pick a name and ask around. I know I need some tips because this is probably the most serious attempt at writing that I've ever had. I'm not really counting my teenage angst poetry and random drabbles I wrote ages ago. I would really like to do this well. It's a little scary to dig in my brains and find a flow of words I didn't know I had.

Since it's my day off, I think I'll try to write now. Tomorrow I'll probably get a million new ideas while working. Too bad I can't write anything then. It sucks that I always forget the things I think of if I can't write them down immediately. Oh well, off I go now.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

A fresh start

I thought I'd create a new blog for myself. I'll probably post all my writing related rants here and keep my non-existant personal life in livejournal, where I'm known as ravenbride and my lj is friends-only.

Today I decided to start writing again after five years of empty head syndrome. I was working and I'm lucky my work needs minimum brain capacity because I had an Idea. Actually, I had two! Amazing. I could hear it in my head, what I'd write... And I swore I'd try to put it on paper. Well, technically not, since I do it on my computer. :D

I told my friend about my Ideas and she thought they sounded good. I've been trying to write for the last two hours but: NOTHING. Nothing comes out. Where did my Ideas go? I just can't start it. I know that if I just get a decent start, the rest will come eventually. I do feel a little uncertain about my abilities since it's been so long and I don't know if I have any talent at all. Now I feel like crap because I thought I really had something I wanted to write. I don't know if anyone will even read it since I'm not very active on, but I really hope someone will give me good (and I don't mean just positive, but something useful) feedback because I sure as hell will need it if I want to get better. Now I'll end this rant and TRY to write my super cool and awesome (yeah right) Ideas down.

But first, a pic I promised for the adorable SandyK, who has been an inspiration to me.

My cupcake earrings.